About JevStar

We were founded in 1976 and are the owners and operators of a range of commercial web sites and Major Web and Commercial Database Designers.

The largest web site we own and operate is the British Towns and Villages Network. This site has in excess of 1.8 million pages of information and continuously displays 18-20,000 events taking place at venues all over the UK, all of which are featured within the site along with a guide of places to visit, local transport information nearest accommodation options and how to get there.

You can also book your travel arrangements, whether it be plane, train, or bus. The site also offers a wide selection of hotels and other accommodations in which to enjoy your stay. These features have a large and growing following.

We allow interaction to the site by members of the public both at a private and a commercial level allowing for business links, news stories and image uploads. We are also part of the Google Friends Social Network and there is a stream of interaction from that source too.

The site is a member of a number of the higher quality affiliate networks and we are through them affiliated with a large number of the UK’s most prominent retailers and service providers such as the whole for the Arcadia Group, Tesco, ASDA, HMV and Waterstones to name just a few.

We do not allow, nor participate in, advertising that does not meet our company ethos nor compliment the content of our website but as that content covers just about every activity in the United Kingdom is does give us a lot of scope.

We also own and operate some 53 web sites across Huntingdonshire, including the major Towns of St. Neots, Huntingdon, St. Ives, Ramsey and Godmanchester, which have recently undergone an extensive upgrade programme. We have now opened-up these popular websites allowing local business’s and charitable  or voluntary organisations to publish and manage their own information within each website. This will advertise their products and services to a wider market, than they could hope to achieve from their own website (if they have one) and provide an inexpensive, cost effective solution for those that don’t”.

Our Huntingdonshire web sites also offer free access to Local Authorities, Charities, Voluntary Organisations and Not for Profit Organisations, which is proving to be both very popular and invaluable to these organisations
Jevstar Dot Com has also designed, built and managed enterprise level systems for Exel Logistics and Somerfield Stores Ltd; to name but a few significant organisations. We have also undertaken “health system projects” for Private Health Care Providers.

In our early days we concentrated on "front of house" systems both on the internet and massive internal WAN and LAN distributed databases using SQL and Access for major UK companies; like Exel Logistics PLC and Somerfield Stores Ltd;

We still undertake medium or long term corporate projects as well as smaller new business projects.

Our work is of highest quality, reasonably priced, with great attention to detail, a fact you already know if you have visited any of our websites such as:

If you would like to experience a similar quality of web design then Jevstar is the business to come to.

Individually SME (Small or Medium sized Enterprises) and many large corporate websites do not generate much traffic but pulled together under one roof not only can the users find things but it gives them the opportunity to see just what else is on offer that perhaps they were not looking for at the time. The main JevStar site at http://www.british-towns.net receives nearly 2,500,000 page requests by visitors from all over the world every month, why? - because what we do is really good, it has content and not glitz. Proof of the pudding is who's on it; ASDA, Sainsbury's, HMV, Waterstones to mention just a few. Why smaller companies think they can "go it alone" is beyond comprehension, but perhaps that is why their websites are unproductive!

We also design and build LARGE databases, ones that work. For an example have a look at one that contains all life on the planet, that is around half a million records and is built so that the general public can use it live on the Internet. Go on have a look; The British Database of World Flora and Fauna and just to make it more interesting there are over 1,200 pictures displayed in it.

If you like our work and think that we may be able to help you build your own web site or database project or undertake a “review” of your existing web site, then please do not hesitate to contact us and we would be happy to discuss your requirement without obligation.